Monday, January 4, 2010

Focus, People of the Writing & Editing Persuasions!


gris·ly - adj. gris·li·er, gris·li·est
Inspiring repugnance; gruesome. See Synonyms at ghastly.
[Middle English grisli, from Old English grislc; see ghri- in Indo- European roots.]

While reading merrily along in Tami Hoag's new book (excellent, BTW), I was distressed to discover an error that, for a moment or three, had me very puzzled and reading back to figure out what I missed.

In a discussion about images drawn by a young boy, they referenced the pix of women with knives sticking out of them. Then the narrative referred to pictures of "grizzly attacks". So I was hunting for bear references, victims of bear maulings, etc.


I was puzzled.

Until . . .

I realized they were talking about the nature of the pictures drawn by the child - meaning "grisly attacks".

Grizzly - Ursine noun

Grisly - heinous adjective

The Curmudgeon

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Welcome to My Blog

January 2, 2010

There's this new invention called the "dictionary".

Use it.

See you tomorrow.

The Curmudgeon